Auf dem Boden der neuen Schöpfung ist Christus alles. Wie viel davon in der Praxis wahr ist, ist natürlich eine andere Frage. Wie es sein sollte, hat mal ein Dichter in folgende schöne Worte gekleidet:

Christ is all

In the heart of London City,

Mid the dwellings of the poor,

These bright golden words were uttered,

„I have Christ, what want I more.”

By a lonely dying woman,

Stretched upon a garret floor,

Having not one earthly comfort,

„I have Christ, what want I more.”

He who heard them, ran to fetch her,

Something from this world’s great store,

It was needless, died she saying

„I have Christ, what want I more.”

But her words will live forever,

I repeat them o’er and o’er

God delights to hear me say

„I have Christ, what want I more.”

Oh, my dear, my fellow sinners,

High and low and Rich and poor,

Can you say with deep thanksgiving

„I have Christ, what want I more.”

Look away from earth’s attraction

All earth’s joys will soon be o’er,

Rest not till each heart exclaimeth,

„I have Christ, what want I more.”